Matthew 4:19 Answers Invaluable Questions in New Bible


Pastor Díaz-Pabón, you are an evangelist as well as general editor for The Fisher of Men Bible. How do these roles complement one another?

For more than four decades I have ministered from the United States and to the entire world, always with a marked orientation towards evangelism and discipleship. The Fisher of Men Bible has become an extension of my ministry. With the tools in this Bible, every believer can be prepared to answer the questions of unbelievers as well as new believers.

The Fisher of Men title was inspired by Jesus’ words in Matthew 4:19b, “Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men.” The first disciples were ordinary fishermen and of limited academic preparation. When Jesus called them, He used terminology with which they were very familiar and which perfectly illustrated the task they would perform with their teacher. Helping readers understand Scripture, even if it is new to them, was one of our top priorities.

Is The Fisher of Men Bible designed for pastors or for Christians in their daily walk?

The Fisher of Men Bible is designed for every believer in their daily walk. We have avoided theological or professional terms so that it may be easily understandable to all. Perhaps that is why this Bible is a favorite among new believers and those with no previous experience in the study of Scripture.

Our editorial team included a thematic index to help Christians find appropriate verses on specific topics, such as salvation, prayer, evangelism, finances and worship. These verses are helpful for personal study as well as discipleship and evangelism. We seek to support Christians in their unique place of mission, wherever they serve God and evangelize or counsel others.

The Fisher of Men Bible was first published in Spanish and Portuguese. Tell us about the English edition, which just released this summer.

The Fisher of Men Bible was originally published in Spanish and Portuguese, and has been extremely well received. I believe God has blessed us with The Fisher of Men Bible at a moment of great need, and I am grateful to see it published in a third language. We chose the Christian Standard Bible (CSB) translation for the English edition due to its clarity and reliability. This study Bible seeks to make Scripture understandable while providing resources for discipleship and evangelism.

The world is our mission field, and churches must be ready to fulfill their evangelistic responsibility in all languages—both in the United States and around the globe. Christians are responding to the Great Commission by sharing the living Word of God and becoming “fishers of men.”

Luis Ángel Díaz-Pabón serves as president of the Global Missionary Society, pastor of La Capilla del Rey (The King’s Chapel) in Miami, Florida, and general editor for The Fisher of Men Bible (Holman Bibles).

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