Megachurch Blesses Organizations, Families With $3.5 Million


Christmas came early for the congregation of Transformation Church in Bixby, Oklahoma, and the people they blessed with $3.5 million in gifts Sunday.

The megachurch, pastored by Michael and Natalie Todd, encouraged its congregation and community with a Giving Spree Sunday service in which Transformation blessed families and nonprofits with debt forgiveness and even a new house for one especially downtrodden and deserving family.

Pastor Mike Todd posted on his Instagram:


He shared the tear-filled responses from his members of his congregation receiving parts of the blessing, saying:

“TC NATION — YOU DID THIS! I’m so proud to lead such a generous church!”

$200,000 was given toward personal debts and over $1.55 million to other church communities. But the church’s generosity didn’t stop with the congregation.

$65,000 went toward buying out Silhouette Sneakers and Art, an entire shoe store, to donate the shoes to a boys’ home in Tulsa, Oklahoma.

The store owner, Vaneeta Cooper, says Transformation Church “made a lot of dreams come true this past weekend” and expressed gratitude on behalf of the store and the boys’ home receiving the donations.

The generosity is having a ripple effect, inspiring others to start their own “blessing train” as one Twitter user calls it:

In total, some 15,000 people donated to the offering.

“God has been so faithful to this church. He’s been so faithful to Transformation nation… Last week, we gathered as a church to give in an end of the year offering that we call our ‘crazy faith’ offering,” White said during his sermon. “And I want to tell you a total right now, but the truth is people are still giving. The level of faithfulness in the middle of a pandemic… We had over 15,000 people participate in actually giving.”

Last year, Transformation Church’s “crazy faith offering” was $1.2 million, and this year, members challenged themselves to do more. {eoa}


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