CSI unit outside Lakewood Church, Houston

Morning Rundown: Charisma News Brief: 2 Wounded, Alleged Shooter Dead as Violence Erupts at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church


Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on cn.mycharisma.com:

Charisma News Brief: 2 Wounded, Alleged Shooter Dead as Violence Erupts at Joel Osteen’s Lakewood Church

Reports from authorities in Houston, Texas, continue to come in after a woman allegedly entered Joel Osteen‘s Lakewood Church and began shooting before the Spanish-language service was set to begin at 3 p.m. Sunday, Feb. 11. Houston police chief Troy Finner told reporters that the suspect, armed with a long gun, began firing after she entered the church. Two off-duty police officers engaged with and struck the shooter.

“She is deceased here on the scene,” Finner said. “Unfortunately, the 5 year-old kid was hit and is in critical condition at a local hospital. There was a 57-year-old man who didn’t have anything to do with it, I don’t think, who was shot in the leg. He’s seeking treatment in the hospital.”

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Has the River From the Garden of Eden Been Found?

Has the Pishon River from the Garden of Eden been found?

Among the key elements mentioned in the biblical narrative of the creation story, there are some features described that may help us to decipher where the Garden of Eden is located. The four rivers that flowed through Eden are the Pishon, Gihon, Tigris and Euphrates. However, the precise location of the Gihon and Pishon rivers has remained a subject of debate and speculation.

Archaeologist Joel Kramer embarked on a thrilling quest to decode the passages of Genesis, aiming to uncover clues that could lead him to the Garden of Eden, in particular by finding the Pishon River.

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‘To See Things That Are Terrifying’: David Wilkerson’s Final Prophetic Call

In a recent episode of “Fire Power!”, host Todd Coconato delved into the profound and timely message left by the late David Wilkerson, a well-known evangelist whose book The Cross and the Switchblade has impacted the lives of millions.

The broadcast, titled The Famous Last Words of David Wilkerson, brought in guest speaker Mario Murillo, who had a personal connection with Wilkerson, to shed light on the significance of the late prophet’s final words.

Joining in agreement, the two faith leaders shared with viewers the importance of the final prophetic words of Wilkerson.{eoa}

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