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Morning Rundown: Larry Tomczak’s Week in Review: Entering December With 8 Dramatic Developments


Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on cn.mycharisma.com:

Larry Tomczak’s Week in Review: Entering December With 8 Dramatic Developments

The pace is picking up, and as watchmen on the wall, we need to keep step with the Spirit and know what’s coming down the pike in terms of important news items.

Take time to digest what’s unfolding on the world stage and especially in our nation.

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Mysterious ‘Witch Bottles’ Wash Ashore: Spiritual Hazard or Harmless Artifact?

Superstitious beachcombers wandering along the Gulf of Mexico shores may encounter an eerie discovery—gleaming glass that beckons caution. These are not mere trinkets; they are “witch bottles” believed to trap malevolent spirits, emerging along the coastal stretch near Corpus Christi, Texas, as reported by researcher Jace Tunnell.

Since 2017, eight of these mysterious artifacts have washed ashore on a monitored 60-mile beach, prompting intrigue and concern. The most recent discovery, pulled by Tunnell on Nov. 15, contained vegetation and gooseneck barnacles, indicating a prolonged journey adrift.

“I don’t get creeped out by them, but I’m also not going to open them,” shared Tunnell, acknowledging the perceived spells residing within. His reluctance echoes a cautious approach in the face of the unknown: “Why take the chance?”

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Unlocking Spiritual Power: The Transformative Impact of Fasting with Pastor Jentezen Franklin

Sitting down with Charisma magazine for an exclusive “Beyond the Article” interview, Pastor Jentezen Franklin shares how he became aware of the transformative power behind prayer and fasting.

Raised in a preacher’s home, Pastor Franklin shares his early experiences with fasting, witnessing his parents example through prayer and fasting. Reflecting on these memories, he emphasizes the importance of fasting in aligning oneself with God’s will, sharing personal encounters during a pivotal three-day fast in college.

“Fasting is about us coming in alignment with God’s will. It’s not about what I can get out of God; it’s about giving more of ourselves to Him,” Franklin says. {eoa}

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