Morning Rundown: Times Square to Witness Historic Mass Deliverance and Revival


Here’s a quick rundown of the top stories on

Times Square to Witness Historic Mass Deliverance and Revival

New York City’s Times Square will erupt in praise and worship at 6 p.m. on Monday, Nov. 6th.

Led by Pastor Mike Signorelli of V1 Church in New York City, the event will feature fellow revivalists and deliverance ministers Greg Locke, Alexander Pagani, Jenny Weaver and many others.

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The Mystery of the Gates

Jonathan Cahn’s Newest Book Opens Up Stunning Parallels Between the Bible and Today’s Events

Could the events of modern times, even of recent years, be the outplaying of mysteries going back two and a half thousand years?

Could an ancient Bible prophet and the gates of America be linked to the darkest of a nation’s sins?

Could this link be central in a modern mystery, one that even involved the genetic markers of COVID 19?

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Landmark Victory: Christian Student Wins $150,000 in Lawsuit Over Forced Hindu Rituals

An Illinois Circuit Court recently made a major ruling in favor of a young Christian student, Mariyah Green, who was compelled to participate in Hindu rituals, even though it went against her Christian faith.

This ruling, which awarded Mariyah $150,000 in damages and legal fees, was a result of her First Amendment rights being violated by the Board of Education of the city of Chicago and the David Lynch Foundation.

For Mariyah and her fellow students at Bogan High School, this violation occurred through a program known as “Quiet Time,” which included Hindu practices like transcendental meditation. As part of this program, students were required to engage in a Puja initiation rite, during which they recited statements acknowledging the power of various Hindu deities and were invited to channel these powers. {eoa}

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