The Qureshis.

Nabeel Qureshi’s Wife: I Prayed For Resurrection


Even after doctors pronounced 33-year-old Nabeel Qureshi dead, his wife Michelle interceded for resurrection.

“As you know, I and our prayer group and Nabeel, and many others around the country and the world were praying for healing—some even a step further than that. Even after Nabeel’s death, we continued to pray for resurrection,” Michelle says in a video posted to her late husband’s YouTube channel.

“I don’t regret any of it because I believe it’s purely from Scripture that we do such things,” she says.

The heartbroken widow continues: “Aside from this drive that I felt from the Holy Spirit to pray for Nabeel’s resurrection after the time of death was called, I had my own personal drive. For seven days I was wrestling and praying for resurrection. After a while … in circumstances like these, you realize that you can only rely on the Word of God, the one thing that is unchangeable.”

Watch the video to hear her explain it in her own words.


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