Nebraska Democrat Banning Youth Groups and Bible School


In a move to make a point about Republicans attempting to protect children from sexually charged drag shows, one Nebraska Democrat has found herself accused of religious discrimination.

In the hopes of killing proposed legislation LB 371, which would ban minors from drag shows in the state, State Rep. Megan Hunt (D) brought forward an amendment to ban minors from “religious indoctrination camp,” which would include vacation Bible schools and summer youth camps.

She cited in the amendment a “well-documented history of indoctrination and sexual abuse perpetrated by religious leaders and clergy people upon children.”

Hunt added the amendment in the hopes of drawing comparisons between children attending religious-based events and the hyper-sexualized drag shows that Republicans are hoping to ban them from.

But there is a shockingly dangerous statement made by Hunt that radical leftists have been saying literally for decades, and people continue to believe.

In response to the swift backlash and accusations of bigotry, which every leftist must address to maintain their social credit standing, Hunt told Fox News Digital:

“This is an amendment that I will use to make a point. This amendment obviously won’t pass, and I would withdraw it if it had the votes to pass. It’s a device to make a point, so there is no need to worry.”

This is the same rhetoric that Democrats have been using to pass their agendas for a very long time.

Gay marriage was originally about equality and being left alone, and that was not true. Barack Obama, Joe Biden, Bill Clinton and many other Democrats who at one time rejected gay marriage, wholeheartedly accepted it with open arms once it became politically beneficial.

The same is true for transgender mutilation of children, with doctors, politicians and parents rushing to have their children irreparably scarred and disfigured for the rest of their lives.

It was only supposed to be about the freedom to let someone be true to their own self.

Now it permeates American culture and actively recruits children using every method of technology and social media available.

If anyone is unsure of the assault children are under, just create a free YouTube Kids account and look at the videos they recommend. The page will be filled with gender ideology and LGBTQ activism, yet most parents are completely unaware of the danger their children are in.

So why on earth would any sane person take Hunt at her word that she would never allow such an amendment to pass? Deception and misdirection have been perfected by the Democratic party, and Christians know where deception comes from and it is not Jesus.

Hunt worded her amendment to say a “religious indoctrination camp” is “a camp, vacation Bible study, retreat, lock-in or convention held by a church, youth group or religious organization for the purpose of indoctrinating children with a specific set of religious beliefs.”

“They aren’t meant to pass,” Hunt insisted. “They are meant to help kill harmful and discriminatory bills like LB371 which, if we are forced to debate in the full legislature, will truly be a waste of time for Nebraskans and for lawmakers. Part of my job here is to work to pass or block bills that I support or oppose. This is just what happens in the course of that work.”

Christians and Americans alike have to discern that Satan is moving against God in this day and age. He is the chief of all liars, and regardless of a politician being Democrat or Republican, if they are fighting tooth and nail to protect child mutilation and attendance at drag shows, they are not acting on God’s behalf.

Based on the history of modern-day politicians, they will say one thing and do another. Rep. Hunt may have overplayed her hand in this aspect by allowing her true feelings about Christians and people of faith to slip into her amendment.

But this is nothing new for Christians. The Word of God warns of the coming persecution to followers of Christ. Thankfully, the Word also provides strength and support to spiritually battle against the forces of darkness and overcome the enemy, who is Satan. {eoa}

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.


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