Parental Abortion Permission No Longer Needed for Minors in This State


Pro-Choice politicians and other supporters of abortion are celebrating a win in the Illinois legislature late last week. Lawmakers voted to repeal the Parental Notification Act which required parents to be notified 48 hours in advance before their child could go through with an abortion.

According to the Washington Free Beacon, Illinois Democrats voted for the law repealing the notification act and Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker, also a Democrat, is expected to sign the bill.

One state representative praised it saying Illinois is now “100% pro-choice,” according to the Beacon.

Democrats passed a bill that allows minors to get abortions without parental notification, leaving the state without a single law curbing abortion access.

Pro-abortionists say the repeal was needed because the mandate detered women in from getting an abortion—especially those who’d been in abusive relationships.

Pro-life Democrats disagree say the reverse is actually true.

“Democrats who voted to repeal the parental notification law in Illinois are providing criminals who engage in human trafficking or abuse of minors an opportunity to hide their crimes,” Kristen Day, executive director of Democrats for Life of America told the Washington Free Beacon.

“We appreciate the Democrats who stood up and opposed the repeal and we urge the governor to veto this dangerous proposal,” she also said.

Pro-Life leaders responded saying it just shows how extreme the mainline party is and how it has completely aligned itself with the abortion industry.

“Sadly, extreme pro-abortion Democrat state legislators in Illinois continue to push a radical agenda of abortion on demand until birth without limits—making the state the abortion capital of the Midwest,” Prudence Robertson, a communications associate at the Susan B. Anthony List, told the Free Beacon. {eoa}

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