Musician Kelly Price

Preacher’s Daughter Kelly Price Calls Out ‘Nasty Christians’ After Disturbing Performance in Gospel Explosion


Preacher’s daughter singer Kelly Price crooned about adultery during what was supposed to be a gospel performance, according to multiple reports.  

Price took to the Indiana Black Expo stage last week during the gospel portion only to belt out the lyrics to “As I Lay,” a song about sleeping with a man who is not her husband.  

However, Price was not initially scheduled to perform during the gospel time.  

“Ms. Price was originally scheduled to perform two songs at 3:00 p.m., an hour before the start of the Gospel Explosion,” according to a statement. “A last minute change in schedule resulted in Ms. Price performing closer to the start of the Gospel Explosion. IBE has much respect for Ms. Price and is a huge fan and supporter of her work.” 

Never the less, the Internet attacked Price for her song.  

In response, Price posted this to Instagram

I’m finished. Let God be God and everyone else be whatever they are. #myGodIsAmazing#ImAChildOfGodToo and for the people who keep saying that I got on a gospel stage and sang secular music I was never told it was a gospel stage. I was aware that it was a gospel stage after I performed on it. But even if I didn’t know does that give Christian people a reason to be so nasty? Or Is that justified just because they call themselves Christians and today is Sunday?

Price recorded a handful of gospel albums before transitioning into R&B.  

However, her faith is still evident in her new role. Even in the music video for “As We Lay,” Price speaks to her mom who tells her, “I know you think you love this man, but God is not going to give you somebody else’s husband.”


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