Barack Obama

President Ignores Gosnell Atrocities, Speaks at Planned Parenthood Fundraiser


In the wake of the horrific murder trial of late-term abortionist Kermit Gosnell, President Barack Obama became the first sitting president to address the Planned Parenthood National Conference.

“While the abortion giant performed a record 333,964 abortions last year, the president spoke to Planned Parenthood for 12 minutes and never uttered the word abortion but touted cancer screenings, counseling, contraception, education and other deceptive rhetoric,” explains Mat Staver, founder and chairman of Liberty Counsel.

While ignoring the atrocities against women and children performed by Gosnell, Obama promised the giant pro-abortion crowd, “No matter how great the challenge, no matter how fierce the opposition, there’s one thing that the past few years have shown: Planned Parenthood is not going anywhere … I want you to know that you’ve also got a president who’s going to be with you, fighting with you every step of the way.” 

“President Obama’s deafening silence about the Gosnell infant-killing atrocities, combined with his fundraising speech at Planned Parenthood, show that President Obama is more willing to defend Planned Parenthood than women and children,” says Staver. “Minimum health and safety standards for surgical facilities are ignored, and abortion clinics around the country are allowed to function in squalid conditions because politicians are more interested in political contributions than women’s health.”

“In state after state, investigators have found abortion clinics failing to ensure sterile, sanitary surgical equipment; killing aborted babies born alive; performing abortions past the point of viability without documentation of a maternal health reason; arranging abortions for victims of sex-trafficking; misleading women about the risks and dangers associated with abortions; aborting children for sex-selection; violating biohazard waste disposal regulations; violating informed-consent laws; and many other atrocities while government officials turn a blind eye,” Staver adds.

While the president gives lip service to wanting abortions to be safe and rare, every year abortion ends the lives of hundreds of thousands of children—and the president is working to increase that number by requiring taxpayers to fund abortions through Obamacare.

“That principle is at the heart of the Affordable Care Act,” the president told those attending the conference.

“It is time for Americans to say ‘Enough is enough!'” Staver argues. “We must put an end to the butchering of women and children!” 


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