Planned Parenthood rally

Pro-Lifers Call for Defunding of Planned Parenthood After New Stats Revealed


On Jan. 7, Planned Parenthood Federation of America released its latest annual report for fiscal year 2011 to 2012, which revealed:

  • During fiscal year 2011-2012, Planned Parenthood reported receiving a record $542 million in taxpayer funding in the form of government grants, contracts and Medicaid reimbursements. Taxpayer funding consists of 45 percent of Planned Parenthood’s annual revenue.

  • In 2011, Planned Parenthood performed a record high 333,964 abortions.

  • During the past three reported years (2009-2011), Planned Parenthood performed nearly 1 million abortions (995,687).

  • Cancer screening, prevention services and contraceptive services provided by Planned Parenthood continue to drop. Contraceptive services decreased 12 percent since 2009, and cancer screening and prevention services decreased 29 percent.

  • Planned Parenthood reported a total of 3 million clients in 2011. Of those clients, 11 percent received an abortion.

More facts are available on the Susan B. Anthony List’s (SBA List) One-Page Fact Sheet on Planned Parenthood Annual Report 2011-2012.

Federal funding designated to Planned Parenthood is not supposed to go toward abortions, but pro-life groups and lawmakers are suggesting a connection between the increases.

“Planned Parenthood has spent much of the last few years demanding that taxpayers add millions more to their coffers, citing their nonprofit status and so-called focus on women’s health,” said Marjorie Dannenfelser, SBA List president. “What have we received for our money? While government subsidies to Planned Parenthood have reached an all-time high, so too has the number of lives ended by this profit-driven abortion business.

“Destroying nearly 1 million children in three years is not health care and does not reflect a concern for vulnerable women and girls,” she continued. “As Planned Parenthood’s funding goes up, abortions increase and real health services for women go down.

“As if these numbers weren’t already horrifying, Planned Parenthood has upped the ante even further by mandating that all affiliates provide abortions beginning this year. Americans are sick and tired of underwriting the nation’s largest abortion business. We call on Congress to immediately investigate and defund Planned Parenthood,” Dannenfelser concluded.


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