Protesters Destroy Bible During Free-Speech Event


Fascism seems to have lost its meaning in the world today, as those who scream and accuse others of being fascists utilize tactics used by the fascist and socialist parties of Europe in the 1930s and 40s.

Throughout all the division, name-calling and tribalism gripping the country these past several years, one thing keeps finding itself in the crosshairs: the Bible.

At a recent Turning Point USA (TPUSA) speaking event, conservative speaker Ian Haworth was interrupted by protesters who formed dancing lines and screamed profanities at him.

College Protests

These often violent campus demonstrations are the new normal for any speaker that does not align to the far-left, Marxist ideologies taught by professors for decades now.

The topic of Haworth’s engagement was ironically about “Free Speech on College Campuses.”

“Last night, I was at the University of Albany to speak with @TPUSA. My argument: free speech is being destroyed on college campuses. And like clockwork, some deranged protesters showed up and used the heckler’s veto to try and shut down the event,” Haworth wrote on Twitter.

One of the protesters is on video shrieking at Haworth that, “This is what free speech looks like.”

Disrupting others from holding meetings and attempting to take away their freedoms of things such as speech seems to be more of a tactic of the socialist brownshirts, not a practice in freedom of speech.

As the disruptive crowd chanted obscenities at Haworth, inexplicably one of them brought forth a Bible and began destroying it.

Destroyed Bible

Haworth, it should be noted, is Jewish.

“It’s spectacularly ironic that these students aggressively attempted to prevent free speech during an event dedicated to the importance of free speech on college campuses,” Haworth wrote in an article for the Washington Examiner.

“Yes, the event was able to proceed after several hours, but only after protesters were escorted away by police. The fact remains, as these activists demonstrated, that college campuses are no longer a place for ideas to flourish. They’re where ideas go to die,” he added.

While Haworth is right regarding the state of college campuses today, why is it that the Bible and its wisdom are constantly targeted in protests around the country? Because the Bible and its teachings are what the spiritual forces behind the chaos and division in this country are targeting.

Knowing that, where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom, Satan sows strife, chaos and oppression wherever he can to try to deceive people into turning their backs on God and remove Him from the culture.

While many across America wonder how people get so riled up and enraged during these “mostly peaceful protests,” they are not considering the spiritual nature of what is going on.

Satan is, and that is why he wants as many politicians, activists and media personalities to downplay the power of prayer and instead try and legislate a peace that can never materialize without the presence of God.

For Christians in America, the realization that Satan is trying to mitigate the power of prayer means that even more prayer is needed. If the devil wants you to stop praying, get your friends and family together and begin your own prayer group to battle back spiritually.

God is who changes a person’s heart, not a politician or a new law. So, if there is to be change within the country and an end to the chaos plaguing college campuses nationwide, there must be a call to repentance and submission before the Lord.

Otherwise, these violent protests will only get worse and freedoms will continue to be trampled. {eoa}

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.


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