mother holds baby

‘Remembering Roe’ Campaign Highlights Sanctity of Human Life Month Efforts


Focus on the Family is joining 11 other organizations in the “Remembering Roe” campaign to highlight the inherent value of the preborn this January, the 40th anniversary of the Roe v. Wade Supreme Court decision that made abortion legal.

The campaign commemorates the precious lives lost through abortion by encouraging people to join in a national day of prayer and fasting. Participants can join the National Pro-Life Religious Council in an “hour of prayer” webcast, and they can also send red postcards to leaders in the White House asking them to honor life at every stage.

“We are proud to be part of the Remembering Roe campaign and to take a loving stand for preborn life. It’s our hope that our efforts encourage others to value life with their words and actions,” said Kelly Rosati, vice president of community outreach at Focus on the Family. “We also extend compassion and support to women who have had abortions. We want them to know that God freely offers forgiveness and restoration to those who regret their choice.”

Carrie Gordon Earll knows firsthand the burden women who have had an abortion carry—and the freedom of having that weight lifted. Earll, who works for Focus, shared her story in a video for Remembering Roe.

“The abortion of my baby is a decision that I deeply regret,” says Earll in the video.” It forced me to have to take responsibility for the fact that I had paid someone to kill my child, and I have to live with those consequences.

“The good news is there is hope and healing after abortion. The God that created us in His image can heal our wounds, He can redeem our heartache, and there is hope and new life in Jesus Christ.”

In an effort to make post-abortion healing more accessible to women, Focus is promoting Surrender the Secret, a 10-episode, online Christian reality TV series premiering January 22 at The series follows five women who tell their stories about their own abortions and take a healing journey together.

January is Sanctity of Human Life Month, and Focus’ efforts are part of the yearlong “Be a Voice for Life” campaign that seeks to promote the dignity and God-given worth of every human being. In addition to highlighting the child in the womb, this year’s campaign will focus on human trafficking, preventable child death and orphan care.

As part of its 2013 efforts, Focus will also co-sponsor the Life and Justice Conference, an event that will bring Christians from diverse backgrounds together to examine sanctity of human life and biblical justice issues. Focus President Jim Daly will serve as a keynote speaker at the event, which will be held in March at New Life Church in Colorado Springs, Colo.


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