Report: ‘Several’ Dead After FIU Pedestrian Bridge Collapses


A pedestrian bridge spanning several lanes of traffic collapsed on Thursday at Florida International University in Miami-Dade County, trapping people and cars underneath the structure, with local media saying several people were killed.

The bridge connects the university with the city of Sweetwater and was only opened days ago, CBS Miami reported. The channel showed footage of firefighters climbing on the wreckage of the bridge while paramedics treated several people on the road.

Several people were killed, according to NBC 6 South Florida, citing the Florida Highway Patrol. The highway patrol did not immediately respond to a request for comment from Reuters.

Miami police warned people to avoid the area.

Live footage on CBS Miami showed the bridge had collapsed on top of at least three vehicles. Firefighters were on the scene and medics were treating injured people. Emergency personnel appeared to be trying to work their way through a hole in the top of the bridge.

The Miami Herald reported the bridge was installed on Saturday morning.

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