Thirty-nine inmates were baptized at a jail last week.

Revival Breaks Out in County Jail


One by one, the convicts went under the water.  

And one by one, they burst out, a new creation. Thirty-nine inmates traded in their spiritual prison jumpsuits for pristine white robes. 

“It’s my faith,” inmate Reginald Minor said. He was jailed for assault charges, but says he’s innocent. “I’m a Christian. Like all Christians, we believe Jesus is the way.” 

Chaplain Vinny Abbruscato reportedly spent the last few months counseling the inmates and leading worship in the jail.  

“They have been forgiven if they’ve truly repented,” Abbruscato said. “And you can see the change and the transformation in them.”

Ministers from multiple ministries participated in the baptism ceremony.  

“We all get limited time on Earth,” Sheriff Mike Andrews said. “We’re all just passing through.

“The people that are here today, they’re here because they want to be here and they’re here because they want to make a difference,” he said. “If these individuals who have made this leap of faith want to take this step, I think it’s only befitting that we have ministers from the community that want to assist us for these individuals.”


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