School Boy Shuts Bully’s Mouth With Romans 12

Phoenix Walwyn, left, gave a Bible to the school bully.

With parents at trying to defend their children’s lives from bullies, one young boy has turned the tables, but not in a traditional way. 

One pastor’s child put Romans 12 to use against a bully, overcoming evil with good. 

Eight-year-old Phoenix Walwyn was being taunted on a school bus when his mother suggested he turn the other cheek and share the gospel by giving the bully a Bible. 

“We gave it to (the bully) and two minutes later when it was almost his stop to get off, he just said thank you and (I’m) sorry for all the bad stuff (I) did to you,” Phoenix tells KHOU

Even Phoenix’s mother was surprised. 

“I was like, really,” Vaughaligan Walwyn tells the station. “So, that kind of caught me off guard that it worked that fast or the kid was convicted.”

Would you try this with your kids? Sound off!

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