Study: Same-Sex Households Endanger Kids


A new study, authored by Associate Professor Mark Regnerus from the University of Texas, shows alarming child endangerment in same-sex households:

• Parental pedophilia is widespread: 23 percent of children with a lesbian mother reported having been touched sexually by a parent or adult, compared to 2 percent of those raised by biological parents.

• Rape is rampant: 31 percent of children raised by a lesbian mother and 25 percent raised by a homosexual man report that they were forced to have sex against their will, compared to 8 percent from intact families.

• Sexually transmitted disease (STD) is epidemic: over 20 percent of those brought up by two women and 25 percent raised by two men reported having contracted an STD, compared to 8 percent from natural families.

• Suicidal tendencies are startling: 24 percent of children raised by homosexual men and 12% of children raised by lesbian mothers admitted to having recently contemplated suicide, compared to 5 percent of those raised by biological parents or even a single parent.

Published in the journal Social Science Research, the study of nearly 3,000 young adults is perhaps the most scientifically credible study on the topic ever conducted. Regnerus collected his data from a random sample of young adults. Other studies have based their findings on nonrandom, nonrepresentative data from small samples recruited at lesbian events, bookstores, or in lesbian newspapers. In addition, Regnerus surveyed children of homosexuals, rather than the homosexual parent.

“The study proves what we have known all along–that children fare better when raised by their biological mom and dad,” says Mat Staver, Founder and Chairman of Liberty Counsel. “We should be passing laws that strengthen the family, not tear it down. Children raised in homes where homosexuality or other same-sex behaviors are present face increased risks. The policy of same-sex unions says that moms and dads are irrelevant to the well-being of children. The social experiment of same-sex unions will prove disastrous for children,” Staver concluded.

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