Paul Crouch

TBN Offers Update on Hospitalized Paul Crouch


Paul Crouch, founder and president of the Trinity Broadcasting Network (TBN), was taken to a Dallas-area hospital on Tuesday due to shortness of breath and breathing difficulties he experienced while at TBN’s Colleyville, Texas, facility.

Over the last decade, Crouch has been treated for a chronic heart condition and last year he received a pacemaker. He is resting comfortably while his doctors address his health needs and as he continues his recovery in the hospital.

Everyone associated with TBN, and especially Jan and the Crouch family, want to express their deep and sincere appreciation for the countless prayers and expressions of support and encouragement offered by TBN’s many friends and partners all over the world. At times like this we are reminded that God is truly manifest through love, and the love and kindness so many have expressed has been a great blessing. Thank you, and may God bless each one of you.


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