
Teachers Ready to Hand Out Free Condoms to 12-Year-Olds


Twelve-year-olds should be learning to do math and science, not being equipped to have premarital, prepubescent sex.

Apparently, an Oregon school district disagrees.

The Gervais School District board approved condom distribution to students who are in the sixth grade and up at the beginning of the 2014-2015 school year.

Apparently, the motive is to curb teen pregnancy. KATU reports nine girls got pregnant this year, about 5 percent of the girls in grades six through 12. Having the high school just 40 feet away may have something to do with it.

“The board has a small community to consider,” said District Superintendent Rick Hensel. “Their decision was that making condoms available was going to be positive thing for this community, albeit controversial, but a positive thing.”

Students will get the free condoms from teachers, but not before talking to a nurse, counselor or sexual education teacher.

In an age of immorality, does handing out free condoms encourage illicit sex or is the school using wisdom to curb teen pregnancy. Isn’t there a better way?


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