Teens Challenge Peers to Seek God With ‘Rebelution’


Twins Alex and Brett Harris have a message for their generation: Do hard things. Teens are often encouraged to view adolescence as a time to goof off, the brothers say. But youth should see their teen years as a time to prepare for their life’s purpose.

“A lot of young people have in their hearts that there is more to life than what youth culture is selling them,” Alex says.

To counter the effects of what they see as society’s low expectations of youth, the Harris twins have started what they call a “rebelution,” using their website therebelution.com, to challenge youth to seek God’s purpose for their lives and begin walking in it as teens. In addition to hosting the popular site, the home-schooled younger brothers of I Kissed Dating Goodbye author Joshua Harris published their ideas in a book, Do Hard Things, which released in April.

They say their message has resonated profoundly with other teens. Brett says one young woman wrote them, describing herself as a rebel without a cause. But after hearing their challenge she rededicated her life to Christ and began working with two nongovernmental organizations as an advocate for sexually exploited children.

“We’re trying to show our generation a better way,” Brett says. “Excellence is cool. Having a heart to share the gospel, help the oppressed is cool.”


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