Texas Women Hurt by Abortion Call on Texas Senate to Pass Abortion Bill Against Predatory Abortionists


Women who were injured by their abortions, and who were misled and deceived by the abortion industry, are calling for the Texas Senate to pass abortion consumer protection legislation. 

These are women who were not protected by the abortion industry, but were instead deceived, lied to and injured physically, emotionally or spiritually. 

They support the Governor and Democrats and Republicans in the Legislature who are willing to protect women’s health, from the predatory abortion industry. 

Molly White, Operation Outcry Texas State Leader says: “I am one woman who has been hurt and injured by the ‘legal, unregulated’ abortion industry in Texas but I am speaking for tens of thousands of Texan women like me. Laws are designed to protect people from exploitation and abuse. When businesses don’t have to comply with the same laws as other businesses then they quickly become seedy, back alley businesses. We were promised safe abortion once it was legalized and what we got is the same seedy, back alley, shoddy abortion clinics. So, Senator Davis, come and explain why you would continue to allow pregnant women seeking an abortion to be subjected to substandard medical treatment at substandard abortion clinics? They lied, my baby died.” 

Myra Myers says: “Please Senators. As a married woman who had an abortion, it has physically and emotionally affected my health for 40 years. I want regulations that will provide protection for the health and life of women, men and children.” 

Rhonda Arias says: “Senator Davis does not speak for me. As a woman who narrowly escaped a suicide attempt after an easily obtained late-term abortion, I know I would have benefitted from stronger regulations. I want to know who we are trying to protect, the abortion industry or women? I have counseled thousands of women, many of whom deeply regretted their late-term abortions. We cannot go back; we can provide greater safeguards for Texas women.” 

Operation Outcry, represented by The Justice Foundation, has collected over 5,300 legally admissible testimonies from women hurt by abortion, including hundreds of Texas women.


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