Top of the Week: Hobby Lobby Is Under Fire Again


Below are the top stories featured this week on

Hobby Lobby Newspaper Ad Pelted With Secular Backlash

On July Fourth, Hobby Lobby took out a full-page ad in multiple newspapers featuring a prominently placed verse from the Bible along with numerous, pro-Christian, pro-Bible quotes from our Founding Fathers and other key leaders in our history. It then closed with an appeal to seekers to find out more about Jesus. The response has been quite shrill, if not downright hysterical. But is the response in any way justified?

According to a headline on the popular gay atheist blogsite, Joe My God, “Hobby Lobby Goes Full Dominionist In July 4th Ad.”

A viral tweet claimed, “Hobby lobby took out a full-page ad in the Register-Guard this morning. Talking about how America should only be led by Christians. Absolutely frightening.”

Like many of you. I have been appalled at those who choose to live in America but then burn the flag and denounce the very freedom that allows them that ability. If they lived in almost any other country, such actions would land them in jail—or worse.

Olympic bronze medal winner Gwen Berry recently made a public display of her disdain for America during the medal ceremony after her event. As our national anthem played, Berry turned her back and covered her face refusing to honor the very country that had allowed her to participate. Sadly, she didn’t understand the price that had been paid so that she could be there—so that she could be free.

And therein lies the prophetic truth. America is a mirror of what is taking place in the supernatural. Our hearts are saddened and frustrated when people dishonor our nation. But are we just as sad and dishonored when the world dishonors God?

Mario Murillo: Why I Have Changed the Way I Pray for America

How is it possible for Biden to do and say the things he does, with little or no backlash from America? We are watching the single fastest decline in the history of this nation ever, and it is all a result of its current leader.

Biden makes everything about race. He blurts out lies with impunity. Yet, for all of the catastrophic decisions that have come from the evil that resides in the White House, there is seemingly no consequence to him or his team.

The same lack of accountability applies to the media, which is acting in concert with Biden. As are the “woke” corporations that regularly commit grievous crimes against innocent people, and Silicon Valley, which is obliterating decency. The inmates are running the asylum.

In some respects, Canada has been a step ahead of America in terms of moral and cultural decline. That means that what happens in Canada today—and I mean what happens in the most negative sense—could well be coming to America tomorrow.

Of course, in other respects, America is far ahead of Canada in terms of serious moral issues. Just consider the difference in gun violence between our nations. Or ask yourself who is the world leader in exporting and providing porn, Canada or America?

Yet, when it comes to government overreach or attacks on fundamental liberties or hostility toward the church, Canada’s descent has been more frightening.

Jenny Weaver helps lead worship for Daniel Kolenda’s Nations Church in Orlando, Florida, but she’s also an author, speaker and prophetic minister. Her faith was put to the test recently when her younger brother, Michael Dorsey (also known as Mike Peoples) disappeared but was safely found after four days—a miracle that resulted in Dorsey giving his life to Christ. She shares the amazing story with host John Matarazzo on a recent episode of Charisma News in both podcast and video formats. .

Dorsey, who has Type 1 diabetes, first disappeared from Lakeland, Florida, on June 17. The last messages Weaver had from him before he went missing were chilling:

“I’m about to die. I don’t know what to do” and “Please help me. I want another chance to be with my daughters.”

Church Rallies in Support for Casting Crowns Drummer Andy Williams

An overflow of love and support for former Casting Crowns drummer Andy Williams has flooded the Christian rock band’s social media accounts as members of the body pray for his recovery and for strength as his family endures this trial.

The band posted on Facebook Thursday afternoon saying the intercession on Williams’ behalf is “so appreciated” and to visit his church, Grace Chapel Fairview, for updates.

“Thank you all for your continued prayers, love, and support! We are thankful for this community of believers that will lift up our brother and his family in this critical time!” the band wrote. {eoa}

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