Kimberly Daniels has emerged victorious in her Jacksonville (Fla.) City Council race against controversial Republican David Taylor. Daniels is founder of Spoken Word Ministries, an inner-city, multiracial church. Her ministry is widely known for its focus on prayer and intercession. She ran on the Democratic ticket, with rapper MC Hammer and Texas pastor John Hagee endorsing her.
Jim Garlow has taken over as chairman of ReAL (Renewing American Leadership Action), replacing Newt Gingrich, who left the office to make a run for the U.S. presidency. Garlow is senior pastor of Skyline Wesleyan Church in San Diego, as well as an author and a communicator, commentator, historian and cultural observer. He will also serve as chair of ReAL’s educational affiliate.
Charles Olcott, former CEO of Burger King and vice president of Pillsbury, has joined the C.S. Lewis Foundation as executive vice president. He will lead administration and development efforts for C.S. Lewis College, a private Christian college to be founded in Northfield, Mass. C.S. Lewis College expects to be a four-year “Great Books” college, with a school of visual and performing arts to come.