‘Walk for Life’ Organizers Mark Roe v. Wade Anniversary in San Diego
On Saturday, Jan. 19, citizens from Southern California will participate in San Diego’s first Walk for Life, marking the 40th anniversary of the Supreme Court decision of Roe v. Wade.
Walk participants will celebrate the magnificent gift of life from conception to natural death, and will look at the scientific facts stating human life begins at conception.
While more than 50 million lives have been taken since Roe v. Wade in 1973, the majority of Americans are pro-life, with more than 62 percent wanting abortion illegal according to a 2012 CNN poll.
“The people will continue to stand for the unborn, where women’s reproductive rights are respected and protected because everyone, starting at conception until natural death, deserves to live,” said Mary Moran, event coordinator for the San Diego Walk for Life.
Speakers at the Walk include Master of Ceremonies Walter Hoye, founder and president of Issues4Life Foundation; Charmaine Yoest, president and CEO of Americans United for Life; Jim Garlow, senior pastor at Skyline Church; Dran Reese, director of The Salt and Light Council and many other powerful speakers who will share their testimonies.
“History will be hard on pro-abortionists, just as it is hard on those who were pro-slavery. Why? Because they were morally wrong,” Garlow says. “There are tours in Germany of the concentration camps, of the killing centers. Someday there will be tours of the abortuaries in America, the present-day killing centers. And tourists will ask, ‘Where was the Church? Why were people silent?’ I do not want them to be referring to me. I will not be silent.”
Reese will share her heart-wrenching and powerful story. “My mother was raped at gunpoint,” she explains. “I am alive because my mother let me live. I am grateful to be alive and thank my mom she didn’t sentence me to death.”
The public is invited to participate in this inspiring family-friendly Jan. 19th event at 9 a.m. in San Diego’s Balboa Park (corner of 6th Ave. and Laurel St.). More details can be found at SanDiegoWalkForLife.com.