Whistleblower Report Released; Democrats Try to Build Impeachment Case


The fallout continues over President Trump’s phone call with his Ukrainian counterpart as the director of national intelligence testifies before Congress about his handling of the whistleblower complaint that led to an impeachment inquiry.

That whistleblower report has just been released, one day after the White House also released the transcript of Trump’s phone call.

CBN News Political Analyst David Brody says Democrats will latch on to one part of the report, which reveals that White House lawyers asked for the phone call to be moved to a classified server, and they’ll claim that’s a sign there was something wrong with the phone call.

But the report also reveals that multiple individuals within the U.S. government revealed information to the whistleblower, and Brody says Trump supporters will point to that as clear evidence of a “deep state” conspiracy. Calling these numerous internal sources “tentacles,” Brody says the White House will say “this has deep state all over it.”

READ the Whistleblower Report Here

The case has convinced more Democrats to join in the calls for impeachment, but most Republicans are coming to Trump’s defense.

“I found the allegations deeply disturbing, I also found them very credible,” Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif., told reporters after he and members of the House Intelligence Committee read the whistleblower complaint Wednesday evening.

Click here to read the rest of this story from our content partners at CBN News.

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