LeRoy Carhart

Woman Rushed to Hospital From Late-Term Abortionist Carhart’s Death Mill


Another woman has been taken to the hospital in an ambulance from the office of late-term abortionist LeRoy Carhart.

This comes after the death of Jennifer Morbelli from a late-term abortion at Carhart’s Maryland clinic earlier this year. 

The woman was taken to the hospital on Tuesday afternoon. 

Pro-life leaders and advocates are set to discuss this situation at a news conference on Thursday at 10 a.m. EST. The news conference will be held in front of Germantown Pregnancy Choices, located at 13230 Executive Park Terrace in Germantown, Md.

The group will call upon Maryland state officials to take action, protect the women of Maryland and suspend Carhart’s license. 

“We are praying for this woman and her family during this medical emergency,” says Andrew Glen, regional director of the Maryland Coalition for Life. “We trust and pray for her full recovery. We also pray that the Maryland authorities will suspend the medical license of LeRoy Carhart to ensure this is the last woman he will ever hurt in Maryland.”

The Rev. Patrick J. Mahoney, director of the Washington, D.C.-based Christian Defense Coalition, adds, “It is now clear that Maryland state officials have no regard for women’s health or safety, as they have put protecting abortion rights above protecting women’s rights. 

“If a person wants to see the ‘real war on women,’ all they have to do is stand outside the abortion clinic of LeRoy Carhart and watch women driven away in ambulances and sadly some to the morgue. The continued butchery of women at Carhart’s clinic also destroys the myth of safe and legal abortions. 

“We call upon the state of Maryland to suspend Carhart’s medical license pending an investigation into another woman being sent to the hospital in an ambulance at his clinic.

“Over two years ago, hundreds of pro-life activists stood outside of Carhart’s late-term abortion clinic warning Maryland that women would die and be brutalized there. A woman being taken again by an ambulance to the hospital by LeRoy Carhart is a grim reminder of how dangerous a place this is.”

“The reality is,” Mahoney concludes, “why would LeRoy Carhart care for the health of women at his clinics when he has killed thousands of children over the years, many of them viable, through the violence of abortion?”


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