WATCH: Worship Erupts at the ‘White House’ of Prayer


Praise, worship and prayer have finally come back to America.

During a briefing at the White House for the White House Faith Office, pastors and leaders erupted in praise, singing, “How Great Thou Art.”

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On X, Pastor Travis Johnson shared the footage and thanked all of those who were bold and brave enough to step out in faith, proclaiming Christ’s Lordship.

Freedom of speech and religious liberty matters. But, they mean nothing if they aren’t exercised… if God‘s people fail to open their mouths and declare the goodness of God.

I’m thanking God for bold men and women of God and national leaders who move away obstacles to the greatest expression of speech, speech that worships Jesus Christ the Lord.

Malachi O’Brien also shared the video on X, writing, “Even the White House shall be called a house of prayer.”

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To order Malachi O’Brien’s new book, Time to Rise, visit

In a time when voices are silenced, the sound of worship rises—bold, unashamed and free. May America never cease to proclaim Christ’s glory with courage, lifting high the name of Jesus. Let this sacred moment spark a revival of faith, where worship flows unhindered and the gospel echoes across the nation.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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