What Exactly is Happening at CERN? Everything You Need to Know


What in the world could possibly be happening at CERN?

CERN, the European Organization for Nuclear Research, is home to the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), the world’s largest and most powerful particle accelerator. Scientists at CERN aim to uncover the origins of the universe by recreating conditions similar to the Big Bang. But could their experiments be opening doors to something far darker than they realize?

In an interview with Prophecy Watchers host Gary Stearman, Josh Peck gave an update on what is truly a mystery to most people behind these scientific findings.

As Peck explains, “What they’re trying to do is they’re trying to recreate the initial conditions of the Big Bang to discover what the origin of the universe is and how it all happened.”

While this research is billed as purely scientific, there are growing concerns about the spiritual implications.

Peck, a researcher and author, has explored the ancient connections to CERN, suggesting that the modern-day scientific endeavors happening at CERN may be linked to prophetic biblical events.

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Specifically, an ancient Roman city was discovered beneath the site where CERN now stands. The inhabitants of this city worshipped Apollo and believed the “bottomless pit” was located there.

These ancient connections raise the unsettling question: Could CERN be part of a fulfillment of Revelation 9, where the bottomless pit is opened, releasing dark forces into the world?

This connection is further deepened by CERN’s symbolic use of the Shiva statue, which depicts the Hindu god of destruction in a cosmic dance.

Peck explains that this statue “looks like Satan coming through a portal of flames.” This imagery ties directly into the apocalyptic language of Revelation, where destruction precedes the rebuilding of a new world.

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And just as concerning is the occult symbolism surrounding CERN, including references to goats and demonic imagery as Peck observes, “There’s a long history of evil behind what is today called science focusing right down on CERN,” and he connects the imagery to “the scapegoat or buffo the goat figure that everybody sees…stands for the devil.”

As we watch CERN’s unfolding experiments, we are reminded that science, when disconnected from a biblical worldview, can open doors to realms beyond our comprehension—realms where evil forces may have access to our world.

The question remains: What happens when science and the supernatural collide?

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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