What was the Giant Fireball that Rocked New York?


Earlier this week, people in New York, Connecticut and New Jersey had a bizarre experience when what appeared to be a giant fireball zoomed across their skies, moving in with a boom and shaking the earth.

The NASA Meteor Watch posted on Facebook that this fireball hit the area on Tuesday morning, moving 38,000 miles per hour.

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“We now have the meteor originating over New York City and moving west into New Jersey. Speed has bumped up a bit to 38,000 miles per hour,” the post read.

They also put out a disclaimer that they do not keep track of smaller asteroids and disturbances that are unlikely to put humans at a detrimental risk.

“We do not (actually cannot) track things this small at significant distances from the Earth, so the only time we know about them is when they hit the atmosphere and generate a meteor or a fireball,” the post continued.

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While NASA believed the strange occurrence could have been part of a military exercise, NBC New York reported that the Pentagon was not tracking any military efforts that could have caused the shaking and booms.

The American Meteor Society told CNN: “When sounds are heard from a fireball, this indicates that some fragments survived down to the lower atmosphere and may have left small remnants of the original fireball on the ground.”

This fascinating event is a reminder of giant creation we live in that was designed by a Creator who reigns supreme over all that we possible could know and understand.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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