Meriam Yehya Ibrahim and Daniel Wani

ACT: Sign Petition to Save Christian Pregnant Woman Sentenced to Hang for Apostasy


A Christian woman, Meriam Ibrahim, has been sentenced to hang.

Sudan says she must die because she is a Christian.

She is pregnant, and before they execute her, they will punish her with 100 lashes because she married an American Christian.

Her other child—a 20-month-old boy, a U.S. citizen—is being forced to suffer in prison with her.

The Sudanese judge who sentenced her to death gave her three chances to recant—to abandon her Christian faith. Meriam refused. “I am a Christian, and I will remain a Christian,” she said.

She won’t abandon her faith. We must not abandon her.

We at the American Center for Law and Justice are aggressively mobilizing our international teams to save her life. She must be freed; her American son must be freed.

Your voice can make the difference, but time is of the essence. Be heard.

Sign our urgent petition at the Be Heard Project: Save Meriam.


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