African Pastor: I Saw a Prophetic Vision of Trump as a Bloodied Scapegoat


Dr. Francis Myles, a pastor and author, says in a clip from The Jim Bakker Show that he received a prophetic vision about Donald Trump in the 2020 election. Myles says he saw this vision before the recent spate of mass shootings and saw a goat with innocent eyes who was covered in blood. Myles then says God directly told him that this goat represented Trump, who was innocent but would be turned into a scapegoat for the 2020 election. Myles says a sinister “cabal who grew America” will be responsible for this blame.

“The Lord said to me, ‘See this goat?'” Myles says. “I say yes. He said to me, he says, ‘This strategy that the enemy’s about to use against Trump to stop him from having another four years is a double-edged strategy,’ he says, ‘because this time, it’s coming from the underworld and from the political establishment.’ I said, ‘What do you mean?’ He said to me, ‘A sacrifice has been made in the demonic world, and the new strategy is going to be to make Donald Trump bloody—the bloodiest president in American history.’ But how Lord? He says, ‘They are going to make the scapegoat for every bloodshed that happens in America ’til 2020.’

“So look at the goat. He’s bloodied, but it’s not his blood. It has been put on him by those who want to make the goat look guilty for things that the goat did not do. That’s the innocence, you see, in the eyes. It’s the innocence of this man. His desire is to serve his country. He’s a patriot at the very core of his being. He loves America.”

Myles says intercessors must approach this election season differently.

“You need to understand the demonic configurations around Donald Trump have changed, and the intercessor cannot pray for him like they did in 2016,” Myles says. “Because the enemy has changed tactics. You need to know what the enemy’s doing.”

Myles says the only strategy that can be invoked to stop this is something called “divine restraining orders”—and this is why he’s releasing a book on this very subject this year.

He also attributes this to God: “He said to me, ‘This is why your book on divine restraining orders is coming out at a time [such] as this, because’—He said—’you’re going to win 2020 again using divine restraining orders.'”

Myles’ full remarks can be seen in the embedded clip.


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