
Chuck Pierce Dedicates Israel Prayer Garden During Pentecost Celebration


chuck_pierce_prayergarden_croppedThe Pentecost Celebration, sponsored by Chuck Pierce’s Glory of Zion International, not only focused on the Jewish feast of first fruits and the Day of Pentecost that launched the church, but it celebrated a new 215,000-square-foot ministry facility, a prayer tower and Israel Prayer Garden.

The facility just outside Denton, Texas was once a Boeing aircraft plant. Now 100,000 square feet will house Pierce’s growing ministry and separate local church, Glory of Zion Outreach. The rest is being rented to businesses which fits into Glory of Zion’s vision for marketplace ministry.

With an emphasis on “restoration” the crowd of 1,500 cheered as Pierce told about the miracles that happened in the acquisition and demolition of the factory to become a ministry center. The city gave the certificate of occupancy only 90 minutes before the first service, which was web-streamed around the world. In the process of recycling $170,000 worth of debris, they found a metal tube that when blown sounds just like the blowing of a shofar.

Pierce sees significance in the “first fruits” aspect of of the Jewish feast of Pentecost or Shavu’ot, says Brian Kooiman, the ministry vice president, so the conference was a “first fruits” by the ministry for the new facility to those who attended. The ministry charged no registration fee for the conference or webcast and even gave away music CDs.

The emphasis on Israel was shown in blowing a real shofar and in many ways from music and artwork to lighting a Shabbat candle on Friday. But none was more beautiful than a five-acre Israel Prayer Garden designed by Pierce’s wife, Pam, who introduced plants native to Israel or native to Texas, similar to Israeli plants. Different areas in the garden are named after the 12 tribes of Israel with water sculptures, a threshing floor and a large “Lion of the Tribe of Judah” sculpture.

The garden was dedicated during the conference, as was a “prayer tower” in another part of the facility. There were dancers, intercessors and many symbolic acts with prophetic significance. One of the most interesting was a processional by a ministry team from Hawaii explaining the regalia indicating the royalty believers are in Christ. Then in a grand display they took off the traditional costumes showing that only Christ is King of Kings.

Speakers included Pierce, Sergio Scataglini, Barbara Yoder, Peter and Doris Wagner,
Sharon Stone and Kent Mattox.

A further report on the conference and videos about many of ministries who attended and a tour of the prayer garden will be posted soon.


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