Despite Ebola Outbreak, 83-Year-Old Morris Cerullo Heads to Africa


Amidst what is considered the deadliest outbreak of Ebola in history, evangelist Morris Cerullo is embarking this month on an 11-day trip to the heart of the outbreak—the continent of Africa.

This 83-year-old president of World Evangelism has been traveling to the undeveloped nations of the world for 68 years. This 11-day trip to Africa will include training meetings in Accra, Ghana; Abidjan, Ivory Coast; Lagos, Nigeria; Kigali, Rwanda; Bujumbura, Burundi; Nakuru, Kenya; and Juba, South Sudan.

During this trip, the indefatigable octogenarian will also be meeting with political leaders of these nations to discuss economic aid, food, and medicine for the countries hit hardest by this outbreak. Over the past six decades, Morris Cerullo has met with numerous heads of state who have requested prayer, spiritual counsel, and mentorship. Known for his “hands-on” approach to ministry, and aware of the dangers facing him by travelling to ground zero of the Ebola outbreak, Morris states, “These people need to know that we love them.”

World Evangelism is known for its humanitarian support and has provided aid to Ethiopia, medical assistance in East Africa, and helped build multiple orphanages in Mexico. Most recently, Morris and his wife, Theresa Cerullo, partnered with Tommy and Matthew Barnett to build a new floor of the Los Angeles Dream Center, which houses 200 women who have come off the streets of Los Angeles, out of drugs, human trafficking and prostitution. The floor is called Mama Theresa’s Place in honor of Theresa Cerullo.


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