David Wilkerson, Todd Coconato and Mario Murillo.

“To see things that are terrifying”: David Wilkerson’s Final Prophetic Call


In a recent episode of “Fire Power!”, host Todd Coconato delved into the profound and timely message left by the late David Wilkerson, a well-known evangelist whose book The Cross and the Switchblade has impacted the lives of millions.

The broadcast, titled The Famous Last Words of David Wilkerson, brought in guest speaker Mario Murillo, who had a personal connection with Wilkerson, to shed light on the significance of the late prophet’s final words.

Joining in agreement, the two faith leaders shared with viewers the importance of the final prophetic words of Wilkerson.

Murillo shared how the Lord had personally used Wilkerson in his Christian walk, “God used him to speak into my life at key moments.”

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Sharing the prophetic words of Wilkerson from 2008, Coconato and Murillo point to the messages being more relevant today than ever before:

We’re all going to be affected: every minister, every family, Christians and non-believers alike. We’re all going to feel and see things that are terrifying. And many are going to have their faith shaken, many are going to abandon their faith.

…[I] went to the Word of God, because the only word is from the Word itself, from God. There’s no economist, there’s no evangelist, there’s no one that can give us the answers. We have to go to the Word, we have to go to the Father.

“It’s not an accident, is it Todd, that the devil has the church avoiding the Bible like never before,” shares Murillo. “The reason he wants you to listen to a prophetic word and not the Scriptures. The reason he wants you to trust in emotion or a sign or an indication…is because of what David Wilkerson just said.

“Our hope is in God the Father, and the inspired book that He left us through His Son.”

With the world on the brink of war, inflation crushing families of all backgrounds and false teachers leading many away with deceptive teachings, the truth of Scripture is the antidote to the apostasy raging in the world today.

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The broadcast also delved into the need for believers to be vigilant against external influences and to strengthen their prayer lives. “Getting into the presence of God and warring, that’s what dismantles, that’s what pulls down the strongholds,” Coconato declares, emphasizing the transformative power of prayer.

Murillo’s resounding words offer a beacon of hope and empowerment for believers navigating the challenges of our time. In a profound assertion, Murillo declares that victory over evil is within reach, emphasizing the ability to stand strong while maintaining emotional control and ensuring the protection of our children. He dispels the notion of a quick fix, clarifying that this message isn’t a panacea or false hope. Instead, Murillo anchors his message in the timeless understanding that the power of God has consistently upheld saints throughout the ages in their darkest hours, providing strength and guidance.

“We can win. We can defeat evil. We can stand. Our emotions can be under control. Our children can be protected. This is not a panacea, we’re not offering you a false hope. No, this is what the Saints throughout the ages have learned, is the power of God in a dark hour to hold them, strengthen them and guide them. That is the hour that we’re in.”

While the wise, prophetic words of David Wilkerson ring with truth and accuracy from years ago, he along with Murillo and Coconato point believers and unbelievers alike to the one source that is filled with the power, wisdom and truth to guide us through these deceptive days: the inerrant Word of God.{eoa}

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James Lasher is Staff Writer for Charisma Media.


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