Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan arrives at a news conference in Istanbul

How the Turkish Referendum Fits Into End-Times Prophecies


Is the Turkish Referendum a deal with the devil and a major sign of the end times? 

Perhaps, according to sources on the ground, as the referendum changes the constitutional powers of the president, Tayyip Erdogan.

The BBC reports the following major changes: 

  • The role of prime minister will be scrapped. The new post of vice president, possibly two or three, will be created.
  • The president becomes the head of the executive, as well as the head of state, and retains ties to a political party.
  • He or she will be given sweeping new powers to appoint ministers, prepare the budget, choose the majority of senior judges and enact certain laws by decree.
  • The president alone will be able to announce a state of emergency and dismiss Parliament.
  • Parliament will lose its right to scrutinize ministers or propose an inquiry. However, it will be able to begin impeachment proceedings or investigate the president with a majority vote by MPs. Putting the president on trial would require a two-thirds majority.
  • The number of MPs will increase from 550 to 600.
  • Presidential and parliamentary elections will be held on the same day every five years. The president will be limited to two terms.

But some sources, like a former Parliament member, believe Erdogan will use this power to target Christians, a major sign of the end times.

Watch the video to see more. 



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