Could a microchip be implanted in the back of your hand?

Implanted in Hand, Microchip Lets You Pay Mark-of-the-Beast Style


United Arab Emirates telecommunications companies recently revealed new technology that could allow total payment of goods and services using only an embedded microchip.

According to Shoshana Kedem of, the technology comes from a new process called “bio-hacking, where an alien device is embedded on the back of the hand between the thumb and forefinger using a special syringe.” The technology was unveiled at GITEX 2016 in Dubai. The microchips are capable of storing all credit card and identification data.

A universal mark on the back of the hand may remind believers of Rev. 13:16-17, where John writes, “He causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, so that no one may buy or sell, except he who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name.”

Though there are no indications bio-hacking will be mandatory, the implant may be permanent. Medical tattoo artist Hazim Naori told, “It’s like a piercing, it doesn’t hurt, but it feels a bit uncomfortable for the first day. The bio-hacking improves and enhances your body and will be not just a wearable device, but a device within yourself. You cannot replace or lose it, if you have an accident it’s still with you.”

Naori could not, however, say what role the device might play in society. He compared its potential to credit cards and online accounts, which link multiple accounts and enable quick commerce. The only obstacles to microchip implementation are infrastructure and international approvals.

What do you think about bio-hacking? Let us know in the comments section. {eoa}


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