Benjamin Netanyahu

Israel Launches PR Initiative Against Hezbollah


Last week’s terror attack in Bulgaria, which killed five Israelis and injured 36, convinced the Israeli government to launch a counter-offensive against Hezbollah, the Lebanese-based terror group, funded, armed and trained by Iran.

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu appeared on Fox News Sunday and CBN’s Face the Nation Sunday morning, saying Israel has concrete information that Hezbollah was behind last Wednesday’s bombing in Burgas, Bulgaria.

“I know, based on absolutely rock solid intelligence, that this is Hezbollah and this is something that Iran knows very, very well,” Netanyahu said.

Netanyahu also said he thinks Syrian President Bashar Assad’s regime will fall and he’s most concerned about what will happen to Syria’s chemical weapons stockpile, as well as its rocket and missile cache, if there’s no government in Damascus.

“Can you imagine Hezbollah, the people who are conducting with Iran all these terror attacks around the world — can you imagine that they would have chemical weapons?” Netanyahu told Fox News Sunday. “It’s is like al-Qaida having chemical weapons. It’s something that is not acceptable to us and not acceptable to the United States and to any peaceable country in the world.”

Netanyahu declined to answer a question on American politics, but said he would receive presumptive GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney when he comes to Israel next week, as he did when then presidential hopeful Barack Obama was campaigning four years ago.

He also expressed condolences to Americans on the massacre that took place in Aurora, Colorado, where the new Batman movie was being shown. Netanyahu said if anyone can empathize with Americans, it’s the Israelis.

Meanwhile, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman left for Brussels Monday where he hopes to convince E.U. member states to add Hezbollah to their lists of terrorist organizations.

The foreign minister also plans to ask his European counterparts to tighten security at airports and at Israeli and Jewish facilities after last week’s terror attack in Bulgaria.

Lieberman also hopes to strengthen Israeli-E.U. tourism and trade ties and discuss the impact of bilateral issues on the Middle East.

Last week’s attack at the Black Sea resort of Burgas is the latest in many thwarted attempts by the Lebanese-based terror group. Lieberman wants European countries to understand that Hezbollah is behind the lack of quiet and stability in the Middle East and relate to the terror group accordingly.


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