Missionaries Conquer Tuberculosis With Prayer


For Raj Bakla, tuberculosis was the last straw. He did not understand why his gods had let him down.

Raj is a single father—his wife died from cancer in 2002—leaving him to scrape together a meager living and care for his children. His oldest child, Haniya, was 14 when her mother died, and she saw the sadness in her father’s eyes. She knew life was hard on him, but she was proud that he somehow always came through for them.

Then Raj was diagnosed with tuberculosis, and this fragile family was plunged deeper into despair. They already lived in poverty, and everyone knew there was no money for medical treatment. So they watched their father struggle.

Gospel for Asia-supported missionary Anchi Taidy heard about the family’s troubles, so he began visiting them and encouraging them from God’s Word. Seeing the love that these believers had for them, the family started to investigate the claims of Christ. The missionary, and everyone at the church he pastors, prayed for Raj. Soon they understood His love and they all decided to follow Him.

As they prayed, something amazing happened—Raj was healed. He never took any medication for his condition, nor did he spend time in the hospital. Instead, he gives glory to the Great Physician for taking away the disease.

Yet, while the family is at peace and their father is healthy, the Bakla’s are still struggling. Their extended family and their neighbors now ostracize them for their newfound faith. There is tremendous pressure to turn back to the gods they once worshiped, but the family is standing strong in the face of opposition.


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