
Prayer For Bangladesh Cyclone Victims


Cyclone Sidr barreled through Bangladesh last week and left more than 3,000 people dead and 95 percent of the affected area’s rice crops destroyed—the second natural disaster to hit the Muslim nation this year, reported Gospel for Asia (GFA), a ministry dedicated to church-planting in Asia. GFA immediately deployed 125 missionaries and volunteers to distribute […]

Pastors told to Preach Their Own Sermons


More than 1,500 pastors from at least 50 countries have pledged not to “short circuit” their sermons by using the words of other preachers. They’re part of “The Pledge” campaign launched by in response to the increasing number of pastors relying on readily available sermon aides or even plagiarizing the sermons of others while

China Denies Reports of a Bible Ban at Olympics


Organizer of the upcoming Beijing Olympics scrambled last week to invalidate reports that Bibles would be prohibited at the Games this summer, reported the Associated Press. Attempting to avert a public relations nightmare, the Beijing Olympics’ official media center called the report “an intentional distortion of truth” and said foreigners will be admitted into China

YWAM Fiji Crusade Called a ‘Spiritual Bomb’


During a recent six-week evangelistic outreach across the Fiji islands, Impact World Tour (IWT), the global arm of Youth With a Mission, recorded nearly 17,500 decisions for Christ. Local Fiji pastors likened the crusade to a “spiritual bomb” going off in the mostly Indian-populated islands, IWT reported. Despite many rainy days, organizers said they were

Prominent Muslims Reach Out to Christians


Recently Muslim clerics, academics and senior theologians wrote an open letter to the world’s Christian leaders stating both religions should learn to work together since they each believe in worshipping one God and in practicing neighborly love, reported The New York Times. The 29-page letter, titled “A Common Word Between Us and You,” was signed

Hidden Prison Camps in North Korea on the Rise


The number of people locked up in concentration camps inside North Korea may be as high as 1 million, reported Open Doors USA, an international ministry that supports persecuted Christians in 45 countries. “Many camps are so large that they are not recognized as camps on satellite photos,” said an Open Doors official familiar with

Palestinian Christian Killed in Gaza


Recently a prominent Palestinian Christian activist living in Gaza was murdered, sending a jolt of fear through the small minority Christian community living in the Hamas-controlled region, reported the Associated Press (AP). Rami Khader Ayyad, the 32-year-old director of the Teacher’s Bookshop, Gaza’s only Christian book store, was found lying dead on the street with

Osama Bin Laden’s Distorted View


U.S. intelligence experts are busy analyzing the video message arch-terrorist Osama bin Laden sent to coincide with the sixth anniversary of his Sept. 11, 2001 attack on the American people. But while the experts explore for hidden meanings in bin Laden’s message, there are enough of his ideas out in the open for us to

Author: Close The Mosque Terror Schools


This summer Italian police arrested an imam and two of his aides, all from Morocco, in a mosque in the central city of Perugia they were using as a “terrorism school.” The “religious” leader taught courses on preparing poisons, bomb making, and hand-to-hand combat. Perhaps most chilling, according to the Italian anti-terrorist police, the imam

Ministry Sends $8 Million in Aid to Flood Victims


Samaritan’s Purse, a North Carolina-based Christian relief organization, airlifted an $8 million aid package to North Korean flood victims last Friday. The flooding had left an estimated 600 people dead and 100,000 homeless, the Associated Press reported. “In spite of the political differences that divide our two countries, we need to do all we can

Christian Leaders Arrested in Egypt


Egyptian police recently arrested the leader of a Christian rights group after he made supportive and highly conspicuous contact with a controversial Muslim convert to Christianity, reported U.S.-based watchdog Compass Direct News. Officials from the State Security Investigation (SSI), Egypt’s security police, reportedly bound and blindfolded Dr. Adel Fawzy Faltas, 61, while ransacking his home

Ministry to Pray Every Day Until Olympics


With the 2008 Olympics beginning at this time next year, Chinese officials are rapidly preparing for the events. During the bidding process for the Summer Games more than six years ago China promised to improve human rights and grant more freedom to the press in their communist country. But many throughout the world are chiding

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