
Portugal Sees Fruit of Evangelism Efforts


Fifteen people came forward to the foot of the cross at the Baptist Church of Queluz, Portugal.

Tears of joy and brokenness flowed as they asked Jesus to come into their lives or to restore them.

People gathered in the library for prayer with those that committed their lives and there was sweet harmony as people began to sing “Amazing Grace.”

And nobody wanted to leave.

“We felt that the Spirit of the Lord was present and active,” José Pego Guedes said. “We have great joy for the results expressed in the many decisions for Christ Jesus.”

Preaching on this Sunday was pastor Josué da Ponte, the mobilization coordinator for the My Hope Portugal project, who was only asked at the last minute to preach after the planned speaker’s father-in-law passed away.

“The Friday before, the church met for prayer knowing that God chooses to move through the church,” Eunice Cavaco said. “And when on Sunday the speaker presented a simple message about the need of having an encounter with God and made the appeal, we saw one after the other, people leaving their seats and coming forward. Blessings from God rained today and few eyes were dry amongst us.”

This may have been a precursor of what God has in store for December. That’s when My Hope Portugal, a country-wide television evangelism project through the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association, will air on national TV in “Matthew” host’s living rooms around the country on the evenings of Dec. 8, 9 and 10.

In previous weeks, there has been an increasing prayer movement, from many brothers and sisters in Queluz, a city of 100,000 just outside of Lisbon. And not just members of the Baptist Church, but also friends and a faithful ladies prayer group and many lives are being changed.

“I am not ashamed of confessing that during the service today I felt some tears,” Carlos Mendes Jorge said. “Tears of emotion and joy to see what the Lord has done and is doing in the lives of so many, who had the courage of publicly confessing Him.”

Used with permission of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association.


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