Love, forgiveness, reconciliation and bringing freedom and change to people's hearts—this is hard work, but we believe that with God's help, we can be part of it.

The Unlikely Place Where the Move of God Is Exploding


Love, forgiveness, reconciliation and bringing freedom and change to people’s hearts—this is hard work, but we believe that with God’s help, we can be part of it.

A group of almost 130 believe it too, as they graduated from the Free Burma Ranger Leadership Development and Relief Team Training in December in Karen State. This training prepared them for mission work all over the world—to help free the oppressed and bring hope to those who need it most.

While these students came with different expectations, soon they were together, doing pushups in the dirt, taking notes through the hot and drowsy afternoon, bushwhacking through dense jungle with a compass looking for elusive land navigation points or slithering across a rope strung up over a deep, cold river. They learned together that when the instructor cried out: “Easy way, hard way!” the correct answer was “HARD WAY!” {eoa}

Click here to read the rest of this story from our content partners at Faithwire.


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