Tiananmen Square Massacre Survivor Shares Message of Hope With America


With a broken heart, Dr. Jianli Yang, one of the student leaders at the Tiananmen Square Massacre, which ran from April 15 to June 4 in 1989, has a message for the young people of America.

“Thirty-one years ago, 10,000 of my friends were massacred by the Communists at Tiananmen Square,” Yang said. “Please listen to me. We never, ever resorted to violence. We are always peaceful. It was the Communists who rolled over us with their tanks and slaughtered my dear friends.

“Thirty-one years later, as I remember those days, it is juxtaxposed with the terrible scenes of America’s young people now. Just like us, 31 years ago, we were full of hope. At the same time, we notice a different group who remind us of the Communists who destroyed our movement and broke the bodies of my friends.

“I implore you today, on the 31st anniversary of our Tiananmen, to refuse all violence, all threats, all burning and harm to anyone. The only ones who use violence are the Communists.

“We went before you. We believe in you. We are here to support you.”

Jianli also tells the story of how he was caught and kept in five years of solitary confinement.

“One good thing came out of the Tiananmen Square Massacre. any of us became Christians and, as a result, we were able to forgive the Communists who broke our bodies, but never our soul.

“Today in communist China there are 100 Million Christians, but only 80 million Communists. We have won! Our bodies were broken, but our spirits were not.

“This is my message to the young people of Washington D.C., New York, Los Angeles and all America.

“It was particularly moving to watch as one demonstration began to see one of the young men lead the meeting with prayers asking God to guide them. It is our prayer too, that you will let God guide you in peace to the goal that we all want—freedom. {eoa}

Amir George is the author of Liberating Iraq.


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