Was Hezbollah Behind Beirut Explosion?


Just one week after the massive Beirut explosion, bomb experts are raising questions that contradict the Lebanese government’s version of what went wrong.

The Lebanese government says incompetence, corruption, fireworks and almost 3,000 tons of ammonium nitrate led to the blast.

David Wurmser, a former U.S. Navy Reserve intelligence officer at the Center for Security Policy, told CBN News that the Lebanese government’s account is incorrect.

“What we’re beginning to realize is that there’s no plausible way which that is the true story because the magnitude of the explosion, the nature of what we see and so forth strongly indicate a fundamentally different structure of collapse here,” Wurmser said.

Wurmser argues in his analysis “Lebanon: What happened?” 2,700 tons of ammonium nitrate would have produced a 1.1 kiloton blast. He cites world-renowned explosives expert Danilo Coppe—dubbed “Mr. Dynamite”—who puts the actual blast at 3 kilotons.

“Now, it’s pretty clear, [the ammonium nitrate] is not sufficient to have caused that massive blast in the end,” Wurmser said.

Coppe told the Italian publication Corriere the blast revealed the presence of missiles.

“You can clearly see a brick orange column tending to bright red, typical of lithium participation. Which in the form of lithium-metal is the propellant for military missiles. I think there were armaments there,” Coppe told the publication.

Wurmser echoes Coppe’s opinion that missiles were involved in the blast.

Click here to read the rest of this story from our content partners at CBN News. {eoa}


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