Woman Subjected to Torture For Accepting Christ


In the Bible, Jesus assures believers that they will be persecuted and hated for His name’s sake, “but he who endures to the end will be saved.” Pray for Awatif Abdalla Kaki of the Sudan that she will be able to endure, especially after what she’s been through since she became a Christian.

Abdalla Kaki, who professed her faith in late January after a relative told her about Christ, has been subjected to torture through electric shocks, chained in her own home and has lost her four children all in the name of leaving Islam, Morningstar News has reported.

Morningstar reported that, a few days after accepting Jesus as her Savior, Abdalla Kaki had a dream in which Christ appeared to her, and she told her relatives about it and her new faith at her parents’ home in Omdurman, across the Nile from Khartoum, where she, her husband and children lived, a source said.

When her husband discovered her newly found faith, he tried to force his wife to renounce it by “chaining her legs and tightening the chains,” the source said. Her husband called her “mad,” and then forcibly took her to a psychiatric hospital, where she received an “unidentified” injection and electrical shocks against her will.

Abdalla’s legs were injured from the chains. Her husband has taken the children to his parents’ house to live, but he remains a threat to Abdalla. The oldest of her four children is only eight years old.

The source said that she is receiving no assistance from any Christians, but will not renounce her Christianity.

“She continues to live in mental anguish,” the source told Morningstar News.

March CM CoverAbdalla’s parents and siblings are all Muslims who believe she is suffering mental illness for believing in Christ. “I fear for her safety and pray that she can get a refuge outside her home so that she has peace of mind and can grow in her new faith.”

Open Doors’ 2023 World Watch list of countries where it is most difficult to be a Christians lists Sudan at No. 10. It was No. 13 the previous year. {eoa}

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Shawn A. Akers is the online editor at Charisma Media.


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