Year of Fire: Prophetic Warning for 2025 Coming to Pass


Is a prophetic warning for 2025 being fulfilled through the California wildfires?

In a recent livestream, Joseph Z shared some of his past prophetic warnings about 2025 as the year of fire appears to already be in motion with flames surrounding the Los Angeles area.

Prophesied on Oct. 10, 2024, Z wrote down that he believed 2025 would be “all about fire.”

“I keep seeing fire for this year. Fire. It’s a year of fire,” says Z.

Z also prophesied on Nov. 2, 2023 about a climate-based agenda that would consume the mainstream narrative.

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“They want to create this issue of climate issues,” Z says. “They want to be able to create it so when it happens they can say, ‘See, we told you this is what was coming.‘ And this is why there’s going to be an increase in dry areas. There’s going to be an increase in fire. There’s going to be an increase in all of it, and they want to see this type of narrative continue. And the era itself is going to have issues.”

Additionally, Z says he saw all kinds of a variety of types of areas facing fire.

“I saw air, land, sea and cities again burning,” he says. “I saw this: there was a redemption coming in the storm.”

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In 2023, Z also warned about the “days of fire,” and the prophetic timeline he saw for the years 2023, 2024, 2025 and 2026. 2023, he prophesied would be a strange year, 2024 would be the year of the roar and 2025 would be the year of fire, regardless of who won the election. However, Z specifically warned that if “45” were to be elected, we may face what he called an “uncivil war.” For 2026, Z believed we could see a year of “picking up sticks.” Above all, Z reiterated that certain events and timelines are not set, and what God needs is for His church to cooperate with Him in order to accomplish the things He wants to see come into fulfillment.

“2025 is a year of fire. It’s a year of collisions,” says Z. “But I believe God’s grace has stepped into this picture. And as God’s grace has stepped into 2025, I believe what this has led to is an extension of his mercy where we truly get that one more round.”

During this time, pray for the church to rise up in the fullness of Christ, for those who have been devastated by the California wildfires and for God’s grace to abound in 2025.

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Abby Trivett is content development editor for Charisma Media.


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