Hypergrace churches have preachers that only look at the New Testament.

3 Idols That Could Bring God’s Judgment on the Nation


All of the problems America experiences today are due to one thing, and that is: God’s people have violated their covenant with the Lord. Specifically, we have worshipped idols such as “Personal, Peace and Prosperity,” and we have rejected the Word of God.

The Pilgrims and Puritans who helped found this nation entered into a covenant with God based on Deuteronomy 28, where we read about the blessings and the curses that would come upon Israel. As the church of Jesus Christ in America, first and foremost, and not those who are unbelievers, we have seriously offended our Holy God through our sins individually and collectively. Our only salvation lies in repenting before the Lord for our sins and crying out to God for mercy.

In light of the unprecedented gravity of the situation, the churches in America should be packed with repentance and prayer meetings. No politician or political party can save us.

We look at all the problems and immorality going on in America and we point the finger at others and declare, “How evil they are.” But the reality is God is holding up a mirror to show us how evil and corrupt we have become.

When we see the videos of Planned Parenthood selling body parts of little babies, we cry out in anger. Yet, we as Christians in America, and that means the church of Jesus Christ, are complicit in all these sins! For over 50 years the church has sat idly by and done very little as over 55 million babies were aborted. Not only have we as Christian men and women participated in this to one degree or another, but we also have failed to raise up alternatives where women could give birth to their babies and be assured that they would be raised in a loving and caring environment.

Please do not misunderstand my words.

I am not saying that any man or woman who has been personally involved in an abortion should feel any condemnation from the Lord for a sin that has already been repented of and cleansed by the blood of Jesus Christ. I am talking about what amounts to almost a total lack of involvement, or minimal at best, of the church of Jesus Christ in America to stand for life in practical ways. If we as the church can continue to stand idly by and watch the videos of chopped-up babies, we are no better than the church in Nazi, Germany, who were silent as the Jews went to the concentration camps. Either we truly repent of our sins or we deserve the judgment of God on this nation. May God have mercy on us all!

The primary sin in America today is not the sin that those who do not claim to be Christians are committing. The primary sin in America is the almost complete silence in the pulpits of America concerning the great moral and spiritual issues of the day. There are many churches and pastors who speak the full truth.

But the majority of the churches in America are completely silent about these issues because they want to be politically correct; they do not want to offend their congregation or “rock the boat.” Well, that boat is called America and is sinking like the Titanic! We need the kind of deep repentance they had during the First Great Awakening. If we begin to repent on that level, it may well be that God will pour out His mercy and send us a biblical revival or some kind of Third Great Awakening.

Despite the horrific sins we are committing in America, it is not the desire of God to send judgment upon America. But because God is holy and righteous, He must act according to His own laws. The Lord still calls out to His people to repent and pray, and if they do, God is willing to send revival and a Third Great Awakening. It is a mistake to assume that God is finished with America because these are the last days.

It is true that these are the last days, but nowhere in the Bible do we read about the precise future of America. Right now, God is giving us one last chance to repent of our sins. God has a plan for America. However, God has put the ball in our court. The Lord is waiting on His people to see if they will respond to His final call for repentance.

In the Bible, we read about the pure bride of Jesus Christ, but we also read about an impure woman, a harlot called Babylon. There are great mysteries to be uncovered when we understand what God is telling us in His Word about Babylon. But when in America or other places in the world, God’s bride, which is the church of Jesus Christ, is unfaithful to His Word, the bride of Christ has become like an unfaithful woman.

When the church of Jesus Christ chooses to reject God’s Word, she becomes like the unfaithful harlot Babylon. In America today we have countless churches who have chosen to reject the Word of God by refusing to teach on subjects like the book of Revelation because they feel uncomfortable with them. Rejecting God’s Word is what Adam and Eve did, and it always brings judgment and a curse. As the church in America, we must repent of rejecting God’s Word and seek the face of the Lord. Perhaps He will pour out a blessing instead.

Paul McGuire is a prophecy expert, Fox News and History Channel commentator and co-author of more than two dozen books, including The Babylon Code: Solving the Bible’s Greatest End Times Mystery.


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