3 New Ways to Look at Christians Drinking Wine, Beer and Hard Liquor
The truth is, alcohol produces synthetic pleasures, honesty and connection. The question is: Can you find joy, truth and integrity without it? Rather than pour out your problems to the next bartender, take a drink of God’s love and Spirit and see what happens. It’s better than a hangover, and it will quench your thirst forever.
Then get yourself around a community of others who share your faith and understanding of self-control and context. This will help you rise to the occasion and have safe connections and a forum to discuss real issues without shots.
Kenny Luck, founder of Every Man Ministries and the men’s pastor at Saddleback Church, provides biblically oriented teaching and leadership for men and pastors seeking relevant, timely material that battle cultural, worldly concepts threatening men and God’s men. Follow Kenny and Every Man Ministries now on Facebook, Twitter (@everyMM) and YouTube.
For the original article, visit everymanministries.com.