A security guard stands outside a London tube station after a recent terrorist attack.

Add 2 More Attacks To The List As Explosion Of Islamic Terror Continues


In Nigeria, terror has become a part of daily life. It wasn’t always that way, but now Boko Haram is creating havoc all over the place.

Given enough time, the same thing would happen in the United States. We have all seen what just happened in San Bernardino, California, and more radical Muslims are coming into this country all the time. Sadly, the truth is that Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik are just the very small tip of a very large iceberg.

The mainstream media is keeping very quiet about the fact that Syed Farook had been arguing with a 52-year-old pro-Israel Messianic Jewish Christian co-worker named Nicholas Thalasinos and had openly threatened to kill him.

A radical Muslim taking revenge on a conservative Christian because of what he believed doesn’t fit any of the “narratives” that the mainstream media is trying to push, so that part of the story is being almost entirely ignored. In fact, I just read an extremely long article on the attack by the Washington Post, and there was not a single mention of Thalasinos in the entire article.

But the mainstream media is telling us that Farook and Malik had both been radicalized, and it is being reported that Malik even went so far as to pledge her allegiance to ISIS. The following comes from the Daily Mail.

New details have emerged about the radicalization of a Pakistani woman who along with her American husband killed 14 people in San Bernardino California and pledged allegiance to ISIS.

Tashfeen Malik who moved to the US last year when she married Syed Rizwan Farook, 28, had spent most of her life in Saudi Arabia and relatives say she began to be radicalized in college.

Relatives of Malik in Pakistan, estranged from their wealthy family members who live in Saudi Arabia, said she used to wear Western-style clothing but later switched to more traditional garments such as a burka, which covers the the entire body.

These kinds of radicals are moving to America on a constant basis now, and Barack Obama wants to accelerate this process.

During recent television appearances and on a DVD that I made earlier this year, I went on the record with my prediction that a horrible wave of Islamic terrorism was coming to America.

Unfortunately, what we have seen so far is just a preview.

Eventually we are going to see attacks on soft targets that are going to kill hundreds or even thousands.

And as the terrorists see the panic and fear that they are able to create, it will just embolden them to try to launch even bigger and more destructive attacks.

If you don’t think that this can happen in America, just look at what is already happening around the rest of the world. From 2013 to 2014, the number of people around the world killed by terrorism increased by 80 percent, and this year the plague of terror has gotten even worse.

Our world is becoming increasingly unstable, and our society is extremely vulnerable to various forms of terrorism. And as we have seen with Syed Farook and Tashfeen Malik, anyone that is willing to commit extremely destructive acts of violent terrorism will suddenly become world famous. Terrorists desperately want to focus attention on themselves, and they love to create fear, and in this day and age it is very easy to do both.

I wish that I could be more optimistic, but as we head into 2016 I have a feeling that this outbreak of Islamic terror is only going to get worse. This is going to fundamentally change all of our lives, and we need to be ready to deal with that reality.


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