‘Anyone but Trump’: Texas Evangelicals Who Plan to Vote Democrat


The title above from a recent article stood out as a glanced through the morning news. It said, “Texas is home to one of the largest evangelical populations in the country, most of which traditionally votes Republican. But some current and former members of the evangelical community have turned to the Democrats, espousing more progressive beliefs.”

After just getting back from Texas where I had the privilege of meeting James Robison and Pastor Jack Graham, and many other fine Texans, I wanted to chime in and remind all of us about some important truths that can be found in past articles. (My interview with James Robison can be viewed here.)

1. “Progressive” doesn’t always mean progress.

The church today finds itself in an interesting spot. On one hand, we are commanded to love all people who struggle with sin. On the other hand, we cannot affirm sin nor turn a blind eye to the unrepentant practice of sin by those who claim to be Christ’s followers. We care so much for others that our desire for them is to have a relationship with God via repentance, but in return, we are labeled haters and homophobes. What irony. Those who love are called haters, and those filled with hate are called tolerant. Liberals are “mainstream,” while those who support the tenets of Scripture are called mean-spirited fundamentalists. Up is down and down is up. Right is wrong and wrong is right. We make decisions based on not offending others, never stopping to ask if God is offended by our position. Folks, this is not progression; it’s digression. Many who plan to vote Democrat also embrace liberal theology. Doesn’t anyone else see a connection?

2. We aren’t voting for a person; we are voting for principles.

The Bible says don’t murder innocent children (abortion). It also says that we should work hard if we can (no socialism). It also says that the government is to guard the nation, securing borders and fighting terrorism (see Rom. 13). The Bible adds that we should have conservative judges who are honest and that we should bring God’s Word into all areas of life. And on and on it goes. Many of President Trump’s staff are doing all this and more. How a person, let alone a Christian, can overlook these things is a mystery to me. We have a politician actually doing what he said he would do. His past is not perfect, but he is guiding America in the right direction. He is surrounded by many godly men and women, and many governmental agencies are now hosting Bible studies. Sex traffickers are being prosecuted at a very high rate, and religious freedoms are being secured. Just ask the underground church in China and Iraq how important religious freedom is lest you take it for granted.

3. The majority of the media cannot be trusted.

The majority of news outlets spin everything (yes, everything) to put President Trump in a bad light. Apparently the coronavirus as well as all global catastrophes are his fault. Their hatred for him trumps the truth. Their agenda is simple and clear: Remove him from office at any cost! And I hope you realize this: They are really coming after you, me and our Christian values. Most critics don’t care what the facts are. Their hatred for the president overshadows their desperate need for humility. Let this sink in: Innocent children are being protected, godly counsel is surrounding President Trump, terror is being restrained, good judges are being selected, socialism is being resisted, families are being encouraged via employment (black employment is at an all-time high), prayer is being brought back in schools, God’s wisdom is being sought and on and on it goes. So again, we are not following a man, we are revitalizing a movement—a movement back to God. I’m more concerned with our nation’s national character than I am with the president’s personal character.

At the time of this writing, it is said that we live in the greatest country in the world, but the success we cherish is not the result of chance. Many early Americans, including most of the founders, understood that in order for a nation to thrive and prosper, God’s Word must provide the basis for the government and the welfare of society. I’m not suggesting a theocracy, nor were the founders, but I am suggesting a return to Judeo-Christian values. Just as water rapidly eroded the banks of the mighty Colorado River and created a vast Grand Canyon, America’s current belief system (relativism) has eroded her foundation and created a moral void.

As the moral and cultural war rages between our shores, the need to be awakened from our spiritual slumber has never been greater. Who we are in our personal lives will reflect who we are as a nation. This battle is for the very soul of our nation. It’s our choice—stand or fall.

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