‘Awake, Not Woke’ Trumpets Mission of Orlando Conservative Political Action Conference


Every year, the week of the Conservative Political Action Conference, hosted by the American Conservative Union, is seen as the beginning of the campaign year. But this year, along with its move from its longtime home in Washington, D.C. to Orlando, Florida, CPAC has taken on a decided feel of awakening. Founded in 1974 by the American Conservative Union, CPAC had its inaugural speech given by Ronald Reagan in 1974, wherein he proclaimed the vision of “A Shining City Upon a Hill,” taken from the original words of John Winthrop, founder of the Massachusetts Bay Colony.

This year, Feb. 24-27, in Orlando, Florida, CPAC has invited President Donald J. Trump as its keynote speaker, joined by Gov. Ron DeSantis, Sen. Ted Cruz, Sen. Marsha Blackburn, Mike Pompeo, Dr. Ben Carson, Rep. Matt Gaetz, Sen. Marco Rubio, Kevin and Sam Sorbo and many, many others, moving beyond a political conference to a spiritual warfare platform, proudly standing for the “shining city.” Find information and watch the conference live at conservative.org.

In contrast to past CPACs, which often were very political, this year’s event feels to many like a return to the deeply biblical, Judeo-Christian roots that Schlapp believes are the only hope to win the spiritual battle facing not only the United States but other nations as well. With CPAC coming immediately after the Canadian trucker uprising, the battle is taking on a more urgent and realistic feel.

“This year’s CPAC theme is ‘Awake, Not Woke,’ says current chairman and devoted follower of the Lord Jesus Christ and Kansas native Matt Schlapp, who served in the Bush administration. This echoes the view of many that following in the feet of the First, Second and Third Great Awakenings, there is the beginning of what many believe is the Fourth Great Awakening. This seems to be once again happening outside of the established church, led by the “deplorables,” men and women saved by Christ, often later in life and often from decidedly non-Christian backgrounds.

The ACU’s annual straw poll is seen as the bellwether of upcoming elections.

In the wake of the four years of Donald J. Trump and a sense of helplessness at the questionable results of the election, Schlapp has taken a decidedly different stance. This is embodied in his most recent book, The Desecrators, a story of Christianity returning to its original roots in radical faith for Christ.

“I was living in a bubble,” Schlapp says. “It took the system coming after me personally, ranging from attacking nearly all my business relationships, many of my personal relationships and attempts to stop me to wake me up to the reality of the spiritual battle we are fighting.”

“The enemy is no longer hidden in the dark but operates in broad daylight” Schlapp says. “His attacks on Americans are clear, intensifying: cancel culture, wokeness, public shaming, urban violence, ‘white shaming’ and critical race theory.’

He encourages believers to first pray for the conference that the Spirit of God will be at the Rosen Shingle Creek Resort in Orlando, Florida; that the anointing of Jesus Christ will be felt by all; and that all would feel the power of the awakening and receive strength and wisdom to engage in the battle on their own home turf.

The First Great Awakening, many believe, led to the birth of America, the Second Great Awakening to her launch into the modern era, and the third to the rise of her influence on the world. Just as each one was led by the average men and women of America who found Christ, many believe the current movement among the “deplorables” is the beginning of the Fourth Great Awakening.

Most are unaware that prior to the First Great Awakening, the colonies had descended into such immorality that nearly 10% of the population were confirmed alcoholics, women were afraid to go out at dark, the prisons were full, the economy was on the verge of collapse, the rate of illegitimate births was over 50%, and the nation was in a crisis.

Following the Great Awakening, over 1 million returned to faith, and there was an initial drop in the economy related to a quaint story from history. The animals used for farming and transportation had to learn how to respond to polite language. Prior to the awakening, they had been trained to work with the vulgar language of the day. But owners who found faith changed their language as a result, and it took time for the animals to relearn polite language.

However, the Great Depression is believed by many to have been delayed by decades due to the spiritual rebirth and resultant economic revival, as chronicled by the great historian of spiritual awakening, Dr. J. Edwin Orr. The economy expanded as men and women, returning to their faith and practicing the Ten Commandments in daily life, began to work hard, pay their taxes on time and stop receiving assistance. An entire generation of men and women was lifted up both spiritually and economically with the renewed emphasis on family and faith.

Schlapp requests believers to pray for the conference, attend and urge family and friends to attend. “We still have some room—the least expensive seats, so we want all to come,” he says.

The 48th annual CPAC, which brings together nearly 20,000 people, from high school and college students to pastors to businesspeople and everyone in between, could well be the trigger for the Fourth Great Awakening, to lead America once again out of a crisis and stand as a “shining city.” {eoa}

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Amir George directs The World Helpline.

God Cancel Culture RFor more information on how you can fight back against cancel culture, make sure to get a copy of what Charisma founder and CEO Stephen Strang says is his most important book yet. God and Cancel Culture is now available wherever fine books are sold. Order it at stevestrangbooks.com.


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